The following table represents a summary of remuneration to be paid to election officials and fees for other election expenses under provisions of Part III of The Election Act Regulations. In the event of a conflict between this document and The Election Act Regulations, The Election Act Regulations shall take precedent.

* Expenses for travel, sustenance and accommodation at the rates paid to members of the public service of Saskatchewan, where applicable.

** Includes light, heat, janitorial service and the use of tables and chairs.

Returning Office *
Returning OfficerElection ClerkOffice CoordinatorTrainerAdministrative AssistantMessenger
Monthly Allowance$99-----
Outside of Writ Period/Training Session$33/hour$28/hour$23.50/hour$23.50/hour$19/hour$16/hour
Election Period$7,425$6,300$23.50/hour$23.50/hour$19/hour$16/hour
Post Election Services$2,474$2,100$23.50/hour$23.50/hour$19/hour$16/hour
Poll Officials *
Supervisory Deputy Returning OfficerDeputy Returning OfficerPoll ClerkRegistration OfficerInformation OfficerInterpreter
For Duties Performed$23/hour$20.50/hour$17/hour$16/hour$16/hour$16/hour
Completion of Online Training Assignment$15$15$15$15$15-
Use of mobile phone$5/day$5/day$5/day---
Enumeration *
For Duties Performed$16/hour
Completion of Online Training Assignment$15
Rental of Polling Place **
All Poll LocationsDaily rental (1 poll) $200Each additional poll at a location $50