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October 8, 2022 – The Final Count of all the ballots cast in the Saskatoon Meewasin provincial by-election is now complete. Final results can be viewed at https://results.elections.sk.ca/.

A total of 4,860 ballots have been counted from 56 ballot boxes. Final voter turnout this event was 39.4 per cent of the 12,336 registered voters in Saskatoon Meewasin. Final results for the five candidates are:

Candidate                           Party                                                        Votes          Vote Percentage

Jacklin Andrews                 Saskatchewan Green Party                          58                          1.2%
Mark Friesen                      Buffalo Party of Saskatchewan                  112                         2.3%
Kim Groff                           Saskatchewan Party                                  1730                       35.6%
Nathaniel Teed                   New Democratic Party, Sask Section        2813                       57.9%
Jeff Walters                        Saskatchewan Liberal Party                        135                         2.8%

Timelines for counting:

First Preliminary Count. Took place after 8 p.m. on September 26. Counted were ballots from advance voting, homebound voting, by-election day and personal care facilities.

Second Preliminary Count. This takes place two days after by-election day, so it occurred on September 28. Mail-in ballots received by September 23 were counted as part of this count. Results are cumulative.

Final Count. This takes place 12 days after by-election day, so it occurred today, October 8. Final Count included mail-in ballots received after September 23 and by October 6. It also included any Hospital, Remand and Temporarily Displaced Voters ballots, and Extraordinary Voting ballots. Results are cumulative and final results produced.

Elections Saskatchewan (ESK) is the province’s nonpartisan election management body and an independent office of the Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan. ESK directs and supervises the administration of provincial electoral events including Saskatchewan’s next general election, scheduled, by legislation, for October 28, 2024. Information for voters, workers, media, candidates, and parties at www.elections.sk.ca.

For more information contact:

Tim Kydd
Senior Director, Outreach & Communications
Elections Saskatchewan
[email protected]