
Dr. Michael Boda
Chief Electoral Officer
Province of Saskatchewan 

Date: October 24, 2014



Chief Official Agents
Registered Political Parties of Saskatchewan 



Lloydminster By-Election Update



The tragic events in Ottawa earlier this week have touched us all.

I was able to attend the Throne Speech on Wednesday and, while the atmosphere reflected the unknown nature of the attacks, I was encouraged by comments offered by both the Premier and the Leader of the Opposition. While they described the events of the day as an attack on our democracy and democratic traditions, there was mutual agreement that this would not undermine our collective values or slow down the essential work of our democracy.

In light of this, I know that you are continuing to prepare for the Lloydminster By-Election and I want to provide you with a few updates as we enter the weekend:

• Time Zones to be used during the By-Election: Earlier this week, I indicated that I would look carefully at the issue of the different time zones in use within the Constituency of Lloydminster. I can now offer clear guidance on how we will proceed for this by-election—guidance that is provided in an Information Circular (see attached “Time References for Candidate Nomination Deadlines, Hours of Voting, Reporting of Results”). It is my intention to follow up on this issue following the By-Election and in advance of the 28th General Election within an Interpretation Bulletin in order to provide a more detailed examination of the problem involved and to describe the path forward;

• Register of Political Parties deadline: I would offer a friendly reminder that legislation requires each registered political party to confirm or update the register of political parties by this coming Monday, October 27. The statement needs to be in writing and must be signed by your party leader. The leader can also designate a representative to endorse candidates for by-election in this statement. Details can be found in Section 226 of The Election Act, 1996;

• Nomination deadline: I am sure you are aware, but I will also offer a reminder that the candidate nomination period closes at 2 p.m. Central Time (2 p.m. Mountain Time) on Tuesday, October 28;

• Absentee Voter Applications deadline: Finally, I would emphasize that applications for individuals wishing to be considered an absentee voter must be received either at the Lloydminster Returning Office or at Elections Saskatchewan’s Head Office by Wednesday, November 5. Applicants can pick up an application at the Returning Office in Lloydminster or Election Saskatchewan in Regina, call the Returning Office and ask for one to be delivered to them, or download an application form under “Ways to Vote” on the Lloydminster By-Election section of our website.

Our team at Elections Saskatchewan continues to prepare for this important electoral event in Lloydminster. This past week, I spent time in the constituency, visiting the Returning Office, meeting our election officials, and focusing on the enumeration. I am encouraged by the progress we are making.

I do hope that you will continue to monitor our by-election page as this will contain our most up-to-date information: And, please be in touch with me and our team with comments, questions or concerns.

Best wishes,


Voting Week is October 22 to 28.Find where to vote.