
Dr. Michael Boda
Chief Electoral Officer
Province of Saskatchewan 

Date: October 20, 2014



Chief Official Agents
Registered Political Parties of Saskatchewan 



Lloydminster By-Election Update


We are now a number of days into the Lloydminster by-election campaign period and I wanted to be in touch and pass along a few updates. I have no doubt that you are wrapped up with preparations and campaigning. The information below is intended to be of assistance to you as you move through the writ period.  Following is some additional information that I hope will be of assistance to you and your teams.

  • On the Nomination of Candidates Deadlines: The deadline for this is on October 28, 2014 at 2 p.m. We have prepared a “Guide to Completing the Nomination Papers” (see attached) with the intent of facilitating your work in completing nomination papers;
  • On Nomination Contest Expenses:A registered political party may hold a nomination contest to nominate their candidate for the upcoming by-election. The costs associated with a candidate nomination meeting should not to be considered an “election expense” for either the candidate or for the registered political party. Therefore, these expenses should not be included on the candidate’s or the party’s election expense return.  They should be included on the party’s annual fiscal return, however;
  • On Election Expense Limits: We have produced a document entitled “Election Expense Limits – Lloydminster By-Election” (see attached) that clarifies expense limits for both candidates and registered political parties for this by-election. If you have any questions or concerns in this area, or with the above information on nomination contests, please feel free to be in touch with Jennifer Colin, Deputy Chief Electoral Officer, Corporate Services and Electoral Finance at 306.787.4061 or [email protected];
  • On Time Zones to be used during By-Election:  Some questions have been raised with respect to the different time zones in use within the Constituency of Lloydminster and which will apply during the upcoming by-election.  While legislation appears to be somewhat ambiguous on this matter, I can assure you that I will offer clarity on this matter for all electoral stakeholders—including voters, political parties and their candidates, and the media—in the days ahead. 
  • Election Calendar (Version 2.0): We are distributing Version 2.0 of the election calendar for the Lloydminster by-election (see attached) and would encourage you to post it.  There is a just one change—the posting of the Proclamation was changed from October 20 to October 21, where it belongs statutorily.  There are no additional changes.

I will continue to be in touch as warranted, but I would also be glad to hear from you if you have any comments or questions.

Please be aware that this communique and all others (along with attached materials) can be found easily on our Lloydminster By-Election webpage at: Once there, simply look under the heading “Information for candidates and registered political parties” and click on CEO Communiques to Political Parties.

Best wishes,


Voting Week is October 22 to 28.Find where to vote.