
Dr. Michael Boda
Chief Electoral Officer
Province of Saskatchewan

Date: October 16, 2014


Chief Official Agents
Registered Political Parties of Saskatchewan



Lloydminster By-Election Update


October 16, 2014

Dear Chief Offical Agent:

As you are likely aware, I received an order from the Lieutenant Governor in Council earlier today to issue a writ of election to one of our returning officers. The order specified that a by-election be held on November 13, 2014 for the Constituency of Lloydminster.

With a mandate for electoral readiness, Elections Saskatchewan has been prepared since the 2011 general election to conduct a by-election at any time between general elections within the parameters of our electoral legislation. With the resignation on September 30, 2104 of Mr. Tim McMillan, MLA for Lloydminster, we began preparing specifically for an electoral event within this constituency.

I’m writing today to let you know that we are ready to conduct the by-election and look forward to serving our registered political parties during the writ period. In preparation for this event, I wanted to offer some details with respect to the following:

• Returning Officer and Returning Office Location: I am pleased to report that Ms. Josephine Taylor has been appointed returning officer for the Lloydminster By-election. A returning office has already been established and is located at 4417 50th Avenue, Lloydminster, SK S9V 0P3 (P.O Box 2441). The office phone number is 306.825.6462 (toll free: 1.844.533.0079). The office email is: [email protected];

• By-Election Calendar: In the interest of time, I am distributing an election calendar electronically today. Hard copies will also be sent to your office for your convenience, and;

• Constituency and Polling Division Maps: With respect to both constituency and polling division maps, I appreciate that each political party may have different needs. Electronic “shape” files will be available and we can also provide you with support with respect to hard copy maps. Please be in touch with Jordan Arendt, our Director of IT (cell: 306.531.2373; [email protected]), so that he can assist you in this regard.

As you continue to prepare for the by-election, I would encourage you to go to our website (, looking specifically to the Candidates & Political Parties tab within the Constituency of Lloydminster By-election section. It is our goal to continue to provide our registered political parties with up-to-date information there on an ongoing basis.

Finally, I will continue to be in touch via email as is warranted throughout the writ period and with those registered political parties that field candidates. Should you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to be in touch with me.

Best wishes,

Michael D. Boda, D.Phil., Ph.D.
Chief Electoral Officer
Province of Saskatchewan

Also distributed to the chief official agents were the by-election news release and by-election calendar (v1.0) for polling day.

Voting Week is October 22 to 28.Find where to vote.